Educational projects MARCHroot
Object: objects of the MARSHroot course together with teenagers 12-16 years old
Location: Moscow, Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 10, design center Artplay
Year: 2018 - 2019
Project team:
In partnership with the children's architectural club "Koni on the balcony" and the MARCH architectural school
Druzhba Bureau: Anastasia Rychkova, Anna Rodionova, Bella Filatova, Alexandra Chertkova, Alina Rakhmatullina

Druzhba Bureau with the Drakonoproject developed a training program that introduces teenagers to the architect's world, showing all aspects of the profession in their diversity, magic, and complexity. During interactive classes, we do not teach how to draw, but we help students to understand the problems of the area of work and, having passed all the processes through themself, form their own opinion about the environment and lifestyle of an architect. The students have an opportunity to get in touch with practicing professionals who are passionate about their profession and, with their help, understand what to do and how to develop further.
Installation Solitary
Installation METEOR
Installation Koromysl'