Courtyards of Academicheskiy district
Project for the improvement of courtyard areas of the Akademichesky district
Location: Academichesky district of Moscow
Status: Realization
Year: 2019
Client: Electroprogress LLC
Project team: Bella Filatova, Alexandra Chertkova, Anna Rodionova, Anastasia Rychkova
Irina Garifullina, Elena Mitrofanova, Viktor Shichashchin, Maria Kuptsova, Anastasia Izmakova, Anastasia Stukalo, Ivan Korenkov
GIP: Violetta Shcherbakova.
Master plan: Maria Mironenko, Alexandra Nikulnikova.
Landscape architect: Alla Bolshakova, Anna Molodtsova

The project for the improvement of the courtyard of the Akademichesky district was developed with the support of the Council of Deputies and the district council.
Working on the project, we have used the participatory design methodology and collaborated with the residents. A total of 19 courtyards were developed, two of them with a full participation cycle. Five of the courtyards have been already completed.
When designing, an individual approach was applied: each yard was designed specifically, from tiny courtyards to large quarters.
Проект разрабатывался совместно с жителями дворов по методике соучастного проектирования. Всего было разработано 19 дворов, 2 из них с полным циклом партисипации. На данный момент реализовано 5 дворов.
При проектировании был применен индивидуальный подход: каждый двор разрабатывался адресно, от крошечных внутридворовых, до больших квартального типа.
A variety of zones can satisfy the needs of all residents.
The project used a large number of natural materials both in children's equipment and for the surfaces.
Natural surfaces (bark, pebbles) are an experiment that the operating company and the council went for.
On a limited budget, a unique children's environment was created with sustainable solutions that meet all the requirements of the inhabitants.